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3 Lots Found under category Discount Postage US.
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Lot IdLot NamePreviewDescriptionPriceStatus
7506Discount Postage $50.00 Face Value Huge Mix Of Values Discount Postage US -

Discount Postage $50.00 Face Selling For $37.00 - Offered As Postage Or For Collecton.   All lots different.  No Permit Stamps, All Good For Postage.  Typical Lot Shown, All Lots Different  Letter postage went up, now 68 cents, going up again in July 2024.  FREE SHIPPING

6479Discount Postage $50.00 Face Value Huge Mix Of Values Discount Postage US -

Discount Postage $50.00 Face Selling For $37.00 - Offered As Postage Or For Collecton.   All lots different.  No Permit Stamps, All Good For Postage.  Typical Lot Shown, All Lots Different.  Letter rate going up in July 2024.  FREE SHIPPING

6477Discount Postage Lot Of $10.00 Face Discount Postage US -

Discount Postage Assorted Values All Full Gum Mint Ready To Use, Some Duplication, Some With Hinge Marks, No Permit Stamps.  Mix of all values, all lots different. $10.00 Face.  Offered As Postage or for your collection.  Each Lot Different, No Two Alike.


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