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114 Lots Found under category Gr. Britain & Colonies.
Showing page 8 of 12.

Lot IdLot NamePreviewDescriptionPriceStatus
3567Australia 10/ SPECIMEN GVI

6r GV
Gr. Britain & Colonies -

10 Shilling Specimen Very Fine MH Beautiful Stamp

3545Great Britain #51a Six Pence Plate 8

Gr. Britain & Colonies -

Scott #51a   CV:  $115.00  Scarce Plate 

3544Great Britain #59 Six Pence Plate 11

Gr. Britain & Colonies -

Scott #59  CV:  $52.50

3514Trinidad 1st Semi Postal B1 Red Cross

Gr. Britain & Colonies -

MLH, close perfs left

3453Antiqua GV 4s/ #57

Gr. Britain & Colonies -

Antiqua #57 Very Fine MH

3373East Africa & Uganda Protectorate GV #50 2R

Gr. Britain & Colonies -

EAUP #5o, not revenue cancel.  Fine - Very Fine

3372East Africa & Uganda Protectorate GV 49 & 49a

Gr. Britain & Colonies -

EAUP #49 & 49a, not revenue cancels.  Fine - Very Fine

3369Falkland Islands GV #35 1 Shilling

booj ebay
Gr. Britain & Colonies -

Flaklands Is. #35 MLH

3330Pitcairn Islands Sea Turtles

Gr. Britain & Colonies -

Pitcairn Islands Sc 266-269 Mint NH Set

3315Silver Wedding Issue 1948 Leeward Islands MNH George VI & Queen Elizabeth 118-119

Gr. Britain & Colonies -

Leeward Islands MNH VF 

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