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39 Lots Found under category US Back of Book.
Showing page 1 of 4.

Lot IdLot NamePreviewDescriptionPriceStatus
7483CE1-CE2 Air Mail Special Delivery

US Back of Book -

Scott CE1-CE2 Mint Niver Hinged 1934

7226#E4 Special Delivery 1893 Used

US Back of Book -

Scott #E4 Special Delivery 1893 Columbian Issue Used Baltimore Md 94 Cancel

7225Special Delivery Green E7 #E7 1908 Used

US Back of Book -

Scott E7 #E7 1908 Used Fine CV $50.00

7209#E3 Mint Special Delivery Mint

US Back of Book -

Scott #E3 Special Delivery Columbian Issue 1893, Light Corner Bend Lower Right.  MNH CV $650.00

6854Parcel Post Q9 MH US Back of Book -

Scott Q9 25 Cent Steel Mill 1913.  Mint Hinged Remnant.

6841Q12 Parcel Post

US Back of Book -

Scott Q12 Parcel Post 1913 $1.00 Top Value Key Stamp, mint hinged.  CV $250.00

6808384 Schermack

US Back of Book -

Scott 384 1910 Issue Vending Machine Schermack 

6694F1 Registration Stamp 1911 Mint Hinged

US Back of Book -

Scott F1 10 Cent Eagle Registered, Only Stamp Issued For Registration Payment, Abolished in 1913  Hinged, Disturbed Gum.  CV $75

6660O27 3 Cent Justice Official

US Back of Book -

Scott O27 Justice Official Purple Used Fine Clean Sound

6474#E5 Special Delivery Used

US Back of Book -

Scott #E5 Line Under 10 Cents, Watermarked.  Great Margins, VF

1 : 2 : 3 : 4
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